Peace, love, and blogging!

Usually, I have no qualms with bashing Greek life and my sorority, and hence this blog, but today, I’m gonna write about something I like in my sorority! For some reason, and I’m not sure when or how this tradition started, when someone in the house writes and email, we ALWAYS sign it with a “peace, love, and ______” The fill in the blank is sometimes related to the email and sometimes completely irrelevant. When an email ends in a good, funny one, it really makes my day:

Peace, love and nudity is acceptable at the ugli on Halloween.

Peace, love, and hangovers suck

Peace, love, and if you are in the library and heard a loud scream its because Anna found a table on the third floor.

Peace, love, and Rachel stop playing annoying music in the kitchen

Peace, love, and i hate waiting lists more than snow stained uggs

Peace, love, and queso

Peace, love, and gooo blueee

peace, love, im going to fail my math exam tonighttt 😦

peace, love and frizzy hair =/



Hope you enjoyed!

Peace, love, and blogging


November 1, 2009. 1.


  1. Jordan replied:

    My sorority does something similar in emails and I agree, people write the funniest things! It makes the deluge of emails about football tickets not so bad.

  2. chelevision replied:

    I am glad you chose three of the ones that I have written 🙂 (and no it was not the one about nudity in the ugli). Also, I like that you wrote something positive about being in a sorority, seeing as how I know how OBSESSESDT you are.

  3. bkhunt replied:

    i don’t know why, but peace love and queso speaks to me.


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